Right to attend and vote at general meetings of the Fund
In case the Fund is legally arranged as a company, each shareholder of such Fund has the right to receive notice of, attend in person or by proxy and vote (whether at general meeting or other shareholder meetings), unless shareholder has chosen to invest in shares which do not carry voting rights.
Right to receive Information
Investors have the right to receive from the management company or AIFM, respectively, of the Fund information that the management company or AIFM is legally required to publish. This concerns:
- Articles of incorporation, management regulations or limited partnership agreement, respectively;
- Prospectus or pre-contractual disclosure document, respectively;
- Key Investor Information Document or Key Investor Document, respectively;
- Audited annual report and (if any) semi-annual report;
- Information about Engagement Policy / Proxy Voting / Voting Rights Policy;
- Information about Conflicts of Interest Policy;
- Information about Best Execution and Order Handling Policy
- Information about Voting Rights Policy;
- Information about Remuneration Policy;
- Complaints Handling Procedures (for UCITS only);
- Information about SFDR / Sustainability Risk / ESG Policies.
Investors can generally access this information via Fundsearch, Credit Suisse Asset Management website or by contacting the management company or AIFM.
Right to file complaints and collective redress mechanism
Investors can free of charge file complaints connected to their investment in a Fund with the respective management company or AIFM.
In addition to the foregoing, investors invested in a Luxembourg domiciled Fund can file a complaint with the Luxembourg supervisory authority Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ("CSSF") in accordance with CSSF Regulation No 16-07. In this respect, the complaint must have been previously sent in writing to the management company or AIFM concerned by the complaint and the investor must not have received an answer or a satisfactory answer within one month from the date at which the complaint was sent. Where the investor did not receive an answer or a satisfactory answer within such period, s/he may file his/her request (in writing, by post, by fax or by e-mail) to the address/number available on www.cssf.lu with the CSSF within one year after s/he filed his/her complaint with the Luxembourg management company or AIFM. A respective form can be found on www.cssf.lu.
The request shall be supported by a statement of the reasons on which it is based together with the following documents:
- A detailed and chronological statement of the facts underlying the complaint and the steps already taken by the applicant;
- A copy of the prior complaint with the Luxembourg management company of AIFM;
- A copy of the answer to the prior complaint or the confirmation by the applicant that s/he did not receive an answer one month after s/he sent his/her prior complaint;
- The statement of the applicant that s/he did not refer the matter to a court, an arbitrator or another out-of-court complaint resolution body in Luxembourg or abroad;
- The agreement of the applicant with the request handling conditions of the CSSF as body responsible for the out-of-court resolution of his/her complaint;
- The express authorisation of the applicant so that the CSSF can transmit the request (including the attachments) as well as any future correspondence or information to the Luxembourg management company of AIFM concerned by the request;
- In the case where a person acts on behalf of an applicant or on behalf of a legal person, a document showing that the person is legally entitled to act so;
- A copy of a valid ID document of the applicant (natural person) or, where the applicant is a legal person, of the natural person representing this legal person.
The CSSF may request the production of any other document or information, in any form whatsoever, it deems necessary to handle the request.
Handling of complaints by Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “CSFM”)
In accordance with Article 112 of the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 relating to Undertakings for Collective Investment, as well as in accordance with Article 7 of the CSSF Regulation Nr. 10-4 transposing Commission Directive 2010/43/EC of 1 July 2010, and Circular CSSF 18/698, as may be amended from time to time, CSFM is under the legal obligation to establish, implement, and maintain effective and transparent procedures for the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints received from investors.
In general, a complaint occurs whenever an investor raises a concern or grievance about or expresses dissatisfaction with the execution of CSFM’s activities. A complaint is filed to recognize a right or to redress a harm. Thus, simple requests for information or clarification cannot be considered complaints. In particular, a complaint may include, but is not limited to, any assertion by an investor of:
- improper conduct by CSFM;
- breach of a rule or regulation by CSFM, in particular those of the managed investment funds;
- operational failures;
- investment performance of the funds managed by CSFM.
A complaint may also include a demand, express or implied, for a financial compensation or adjustment.
Investors are able to file complaints free of charge with CSFM or with any distributor appointed by CSFM to accept applications for the subscription or redemption of units of funds managed by CSFM.
Complaints addressed directly to CSFM
Every complaint must be submitted in writing, including the identification of the investor and a description the essence and details of the complaint.
If you are an investor and you wish to address a complaint to CSFM, please send your concerns to Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A., 5, rue Jean Monnet, P.O. Box 369, L-2013 Luxembourg. Investors should note that a complaint can be also addressed by e-mail to fundcomplaints.luxembourg@credit-suisse.com.
The name and contact details of the person handling the complaint will be provided to the complainant. A written acknowledgement of receipt will be provided to the complainant within ten business days after receipt unless the answer itself is provided to the complainant within this period.
CSFM will strive to provide an answer without undue delay and, in any case, within a period not exceeding one month between the date of receipt of the complaint and the date at which the answer to the complainant is sent. Where an answer cannot be provided within this period, the complainant will be informed of the causes of the delay and receive an indication of the date at which its examination is likely to be completed.
If the response is negative, the reasons for this response will be duly explained. Should the complainant assert that the response is not satisfactory, CSFM will inform the complainant in writing of the existence of the out-of-court complaint resolution procedure at the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in line with CSSF Regulation 16-07.
Complaints addressed to an appointed distributor
CSFM has entered into contractual arrangements with appointed distributors to advise on or sell the funds it manages. The distributors shall ensure the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints received from investors. Where necessary, the appointed distributor may undertake to seek to coordinate the response in relation to such complaints with CSFM.
Complaints addressed directly to the Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A.
Every complaint must be submitted in written, including the identification of the investor and describing the essence and details of the complaint.
In case you are an investor and you wish to address a complaint to the CSFM, please send your concerns to Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A., 5, rue Jean Monnet, P.O. Box 369, L-2013 Luxembourg. Investors shall note that a complaint can be also addressed by e-mail to fundcomplaints.luxembourg@credit-suisse.com.
The investor will be informed of the name and contact details of the person handling the complaint. A written acknowledgement of receipt will be provided to the complainant within 10 business days after receipt unless the answer itself is provided to the complainant within this period.
The CSFM will strive to provide an answer without undue delay and, in any case, within a period not exceeding one month between the date of receipt of the complaint and the date at which the answer to the complainant is sent. Where an answer cannot be provided within this period, the complainant will be informed of the causes of the delay and receive an indication of the date at which its examination is likely to be achieved.
If negative, the answer provided will be duly motivated. Where the complainant reiterates that the answer is not satisfactory, the CSFM will inform the investor in writing of the existence of the out-of-court complaint resolution procedure at the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in line with CSSF Regulation 16-07.
Complaints addressed to an appointed distributor
The CSFM has entered into contractual arrangements with appointed distributors to advise on or sell the funds it manages. The distributors shall ensure the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints received from investors. Where necessary, the appointed distributor may undertake to seek to coordinate the response in relation to such complaints with the CSFM.