

Thematic Investments

Pure-play approach taking advantage of long-term structural growth drivers

Zoom out and cut through the short-term noise. Our investment teams identify and aim to invest in exciting and attractively valued companies that are on the cutting edge of innovation.
Join us and invest in tomorrow’s winners.

Thematic investing takes advantage of the secular growth themes of our time: from the march of technology and demographic changes to the global response to environmental challenges.

Our investment teams collaborate with experts from industry and academia while conducting their fundamentally based propriety research to find innovative growth opportunities aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and focused on attractively valued small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

With their pure-play approach – whereby 50% of a company’s revenues must be based on the theme – investors may gain a focused and diversified exposure to companies driving tomorrow’s most compelling global trends that can be uncorrelated with broader market volatility.

Thematic Equity Advisory Board

To gain specialized insights into new technologies and complement our investment management process, we established a Thematic Equity Advisory Board with distinguished academic and industry experts. 

Investment possibilities

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Get in touch with Asset Management

Contact us to learn about exciting investment opportunities. We are here to help you achieve your investment goals.

Opportunities and risks

Reasons to invest

Potential risks

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For Information Purposes Only, this presentation should not be used as a basis for investment decision

All investments involve some level of risk. Simply defined, risk is the possibility that you will lose money or not make money. 

Source: UBS, unless otherwise specified.
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